Are You Struggling With Cash Flow in your Business?

All You Need is One Simple and Powerful Tool to Turn Financial Woes into Financial Wins! The Best Part? I'm Giving a FREE SEMINAR to teach you exactly what you need.

The One Tool To Solve The Cash Struggles In Your Business

If you own a small or medium-sized business, and are frustrated because your bank account balance doesn't match your profit statements, this seminar is designed for you. Whether you’re earning $500K or $20M annually, you'll use this tool to embed finance throughout your entire business and take the guess work out of growth. If you’re ready to go from struggling business owner to strategic CEO, this seminar is exactly what you need to grow your revenue, increase your profits, and maximize your cash flow.

At This Seminar, We Will:

  • Embrace Abundance by learning the 5 factors that impact how much money your business makes. You learn what steps to take to grow your revenue
  • Spend Money Wisely by learning how your business uses money to operate. You will build a clear strategy to increase your profits
  • Grow Your Bank Account Balance by learning about the other ways your business spends money. You will identify the steps to maximize your cash flow.
  • Organize All of It in a Simple Tool that you can use to run your business with confidence.

Event Details

  • 📅 Date: Thursday September 12, 2024
  • Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
00Hours: 00Minutes: 00Seconds

Meet Your Instructor

I started my career in finance because I was fed up with accountants not giving me the advice I needed to grow my martial arts school. Since I couldn't find what I needed from another professional, I went out and got the training I needed as a bookkeeper and accountant. This foundation allowed me to transform my business and increase my monthly profits by $15,000! 

Since then, I'm the CFO (and still one of the lead instructors) at Integrity Martial Arts. As the Chief Financial Ninja at Black Belt Ledgers, I've been serving other business owners in Oklahoma City and helping them transform their businesses into profitable machines! It's my mission to team up with other small and medium businesses in Oklahoma City to help them experience the same success. When I work with my clients, I have unique insights about the information they need to grow their business, because I was right where they are: I was concerned about making payroll to pay my team. I was worried about keeping my doors open and supporting my students.

These days, life is different! We confidently make payroll, rent, and any surprise expenses each month. We have a clear direction for our business, savings plans that help us put a timeline on building our future, and a confidence that we can continue to see the results we want and build the future our students and team deserve.

Ready to See These Results For Yourself? Take The First Step and Register for This Seminar!

Drop your first name and best e-mail below to reserve your spot!

Remember: Space is Limited to 20 spots!

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